Town Hall Arts/Galerie Copper
Galerie Classes
Outdoor painting class with George Allen Durkee at Moorescamp in Copperopolis.
Expressions in Oils with Diana Boyd
Plein Air classes with Sunny Sorensen
Kim Barrington works with kids at Town Hall Arts.
Ken McBride demonstrates his "Pour it On" monoprinting technique at Copper Town Square.
George Allen Durkee's class at Atelier Copper August, 2012
Painting Fun with Carol Earle
Plein Air trip with Carolyn Macpherson to Winding Creek Ranch near Farmington.
Watercolorist Carolyn MacPherson helps students select a scene to paint at Copperopolis Town Square.
Oil Painter Judie Cain shows students how they can improve their paintings with basic composition techniques.
Instructor Gereon Rios explains the "Science of Drawing" to his class in January at Galerie Copper.
Sonora Artist Jill Figler instructs a watercolor class at Galerie Copper.
Brad Stark, of Mountain Ranch, describes the challenges of sculpting in stone to his classes.  Brad held classes at Galerie Copper in June and August.