December 2014 Featured Artist Susie Hoffman
November 2014 Featured Artist Dan Petersen
October 2014 Featured Artist Carol Earle
August 2014
Featured Artist
Joan Cardoza
July 2014 Featured Artist Alvin Joe
June 2014
Featured Artist
Reynaldo Pizarro Varela
Rey with eagle sculpture, "Soar with Pride" |
May 2014 Featured Artist Patti Ehlers
April 2014
Featured Artist
Betty Woodward
March 2014
Featured Artist
Libby Fife
February 2014
Featured Artist
Margo Flanagan
January 2014
Featured Artist
Kathie Peery
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With her youth filled with journalism, music, and sports, Susie was a late bloomer in art, taking it up after she retired from teaching sixth grade English twelve years ago. She started in watercolor, but has branched into oil, pastel, and graphite drawing. She and her husband, Larry, created the art center Town Hall Arts in Copperopolis where she has enjoyed classes by many foothill artists over the last five years. From oil classes to mosaics, she is always eager to learn something new. She also sells many of her photographs at Town Hall Arts.Honors include awards at the Mother Lode Art Show (including first place, 2013), Oak Valley Art Show 2014 Best of Show Photography, Delicato Winery Show, Calaveras County Fair (including five best of division and eighteen first place awards in last four years); Mother Lode Fair 2014 (Best of Show for theme, two best of divisions, five first places), Valley Arts Show (including first 2013), and Oakdale Transportation Show (first).
Two of her watercolors were published in Sierra Wonders, a book of visual and literary works honoring the Sierra Nevada. Two additional watercolors were published recently in Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate, a Taste of Literary Elegance, produced by the Manzanita Writers Press. Her graphite portrait, “I Hope You Dance”, appeared on the 2012 program cover of the Ironstone Spring Obsession Show. “Copper Valley Patina”, a watercolor painting, was a bell-ringer at the 2013 KVIE auction in Sacramento. Susie’s artwork is displayed at Galerie Copper and Roaster’s Coffee House in Copperopolis Town Square; Saddle Creek Resort; Frog’s Tooth Winery in Murphys; The Chocolate Lady in Angels Camp; Calaveras Arts Council in San Andreas; and the Rabbask Gallery in Loveland, Colorado. She is currently Program Director for Mother Lode Art Association.
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Dan Petersen is a name synonymous with watercolor landscapes in Central California. After completing graduate work in his chosen medium at San Jose State University, he returned to the valley to teach. he has been a favorite instructor of drawing and watercolor at Modesto Junior College for over 35 years. Scores of at educators on every level, Professional and "Sunday Painters," as well as illustrators and designers of every stripe have studied with Dan. these artists all began their love affair with art while observing the cube in one of Petersen's classes. Dan is currently completing his 40th year of full time teaching. With his inspiration, watercolor is the personal medium of choice for many collectors in this part of the state.
Dan emphasizes the quality of transparency in his paintings, which is a distinctive feature of watercolor. He employs many overlays or glazes to bring color harmony to the objects he paints. In addition, he attempts to incorporate subtle cubistic devices designed to help tie up the many unrelated parts into a unified pleasing whole. His distinctive style achieves freshness with control by using multiple layers of liquid stop out rubber to define the details in his subject.
Carol has been teaching watercolor, acrylics, and oils for 26 years and is certified with Alexander, Grumbacher, Winsor-Newton, and Daler-Rowney paint companies. She is a national instructor for the Creative Painting Convention in Las Vegas, the Learning Product Art Expo in Pasadena, and Yosemite National Park, and is very active in the Oak Valley Art Society and the Valley Art Association. Carol was a window painter for 35 years before retiring to teach in the classroom. Carol adds, “You might have seen my window work around town during the holidays and at rodeo time.” Carol teaches the second Fridays of the month at Town Hall Arts—watercolor in the morning and oils or acrylics in the afternoon. Both novice and experienced artists enjoy her workshops where they usually come home with a painting already matted and framed by Larry in the Frame Shop!
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Joan is a mostly self taught artist, but has taken lessons and attended workshops with many well known artists from around the U.S.
She lives in Oakdale, CA and started painting later in her life. She is inspired by the people and different landscapes around her.
She has a special love for pastels and her attention to detail make her work come to life.
She continues to paint and travel and has won many awards for her works.
Her 2013 shows and awards for her pastels at juried shows are as follows:
Delicato Winery Best of Show
Tracy Art League First Place
Central California Art League Best of Show at Mistlin Gallery Modesto
San Joaquin County Fair Best of Show Open and Best of Show Professional
Oak Valley Art Show Best of Show (Fall show)
Valley Art Association Best of Show (Fall Show)
She is using 2014 as her time to paint new works for the 2015 season of shows.
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Alvin Joe is an accomplished transparent watercolor painter of still life and landscape paintings.
A career artist, Alvin has over 35 years experience in advertising design, illustration, and corporate identities, which has earned him numerous awards in the San Francisco Bay area.
Alvin’s passion for art began when he was in grade school in China. He studied fine art and advertising design at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco on a full scholarship.
Since his retirement from graphic design in the mid 1990’s, Alvin’s paintings have been accepted by juries locally and nationally. He has accumulated many awards and uncountable ribbons since resuming his joy of fine art in watercolor painting.
Alvin is a signature member of California Watercolor Association. In 2007, two of his paintings were published in Splash 10, a book published annually by North Light Books.
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Rey was born and raised in Los Angeles. As a young man, he was mentored by artist Roberto Pizarro. He moved to Northern California over 40 years ago. Although Rey has made his living doing several jobs outside the field of art, his love has always been creating things of beauty. He is a silversmith, does leather tooling, soapstone carvings, and creates wonders in wood.
When Miles Metzgar of Angels Camp put out a call for artists with a background in carving, Rey went to work for him sculpting soapstone. Rey's work was sold all over America and Europe, but, unfortunately, he was hired to duplicate Miles' carvings so he did not receive credit for his work. After a short time, he left this position to create sculptures from the magic of his own soul.
The beautiful creations displayed in Galerie Copper are a result of that free spirit and Rey's passion for creating remarkable works of art which can also be seen in Sausalito, San Francisco, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. He is also in many private collections in Tuolumne County.
Rey's new passion is drawing whimsical sea life from his imagination with Prismacolor pencils. He has produced over 150 of these drawings in the last three years. Several are available for purchase at Town Hall Arts, along with the stone and wood carvings pictured above.
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PATTY EHLERS • COPPEROPOLIS I received a Bachelor of Arts in Art from San Jose State University with a concentration in Design. Following college I worked as a free-lance illustrator which allowed me to segue into a job with Lockheed. While at Lockheed I worked as a Cartoonist and Technical Illustrator. Europe called and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to work in England but had, by then, moved into the Technical Field of Computers. Art was never out of my thoughts and I dabbled in textiles and ceramics as a hobby. In 2011 I retired and relocated from the Bay Area to the Sierra Foothills. I jumped back into the art world by taking drawing classes at Town Hall Arts. The focus in my drawing class was portraiture. I enjoyed portraiture but there seemed to be something missing for me. Graphite is so soothing to work with and to view but my cartooning background took over. I enjoyed skewing the reality with the quirkiness, the gray tones with the vibrant colors, and taking advantage of illustrating the abundant wildlife of the Sierras.
Congratulations to our 4th Anniversary Art Contest Winners:
First Place: Betty Woodward
Second Place: MJ St. Claire
Third Place: Judie Cain
Thank you Diana Boyd for judging!
Libby Fife is currently a self-representing fine arts painter living and working from her home studio in Valley Springs, CA. She holds a BA in Psychology from Cal State, Hayward. After many years working in the banking industry, Libby decided to pursue her creative interests full time. One of those goals included learning to paint. She is entirely self taught. Using the Internet, books, friends, and other art as a guide, she has managed to cobble together an education of sorts. Libby has been exhibiting her art at local venues and juried shows and sharing it online for the past five years. Awards include a third place ribbon at a juried art exhibit at the Stellar Gallery in Oakhurst, CA as well as two awards garnered at the Calaveras County fair. Business related skills include building and maintaining her own web site, blogging consistently about her art, writing a monthly newsletter, and deepening her understanding of online and in person marketing. Currently, she has developed the content for a series of classes, entitled Get Started Sketching in Nature. Teaching helps to further her understanding of her art, the world around her, and fills the drive for human interaction. Her current paintings in acrylic center on the landscape around her, the buildings and structures within that landscape, and some figurative work as well.
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Margo started drawing early in her life. About 3rd or 4th grade she started drawing while listening to mysteries on the radio. She continued with her art and was awarded the Bank of America Award for Art in her Senior year of High School. Margo graduated from Louise Sallinger’s Academy of Dress Design then attended U. C. Berkeley as a Clothing and Textile Major.
In June 1997 she brought her Bay Area painting background into the Sonora area and fell in love with the wonderful and colorful scenes of the foothills. She tries to capture this living palette of color in her watercolors. Margo has continued her art education with several of the local artists: Jill Figler, Doris Olsen, Carolyn McPherson & Dianne Stearns and other artists such as Patricia Akay & Tina Moore. Sometimes she “plays” with acrylics and other mediums but her first love is watercolor. She loves the flow and luminosity of watercolors. Now that she is living in Manteca, she is enjoying the pastoral scenes and the beautiful sunsets.
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I was born in upstate New York, but have been in California since I was seven. I have two daughters and five grandchildren. My husband (of 45 years) has discovered his artistic abilities as a woodcarver and turner, and we have even collaborated on a few pieces.
I think I got my love of stained glass from the home we lived in when I was about four years old. It only had individual primary colored glass squares, but I remember them vividly.
I knew I wanted to do stained glass for many years, and I finally took classes twelve years ago in Sonora. I spent the first few years making whatever appealed to me for family and friends. I soon discovered I had a surplus of small scraps and needed a way to use them (because I certainly couldn't throw them away!). I started doing mosaic stepping stones and solved the problem. I have since started doing mosaics on glass blocks and other glass vessels. Since much of my passion for stained glass is sharing it with others, I started offering to teach friends and family and then expanded to public classes. This year I hope to take more time to do panels again.
My newest venture is a local 4H Stained Glass Project which has nine members in the group. Be sure to look for their work at the Calaveras County Fair in May.